become your best self.

Stress Management for women in New Mexico

You’re tired of feeling out of control.

you feel triggered and trapped by the emotions held in your body.

Do you find it challenging to manage your emotions when dealing with stress? You often find yourself overreacting and experience outbursts of frustration or anger.

Maybe you just shut down. You feel exhausted even when you’re getting enough sleep. Perhaps you have brain fog, forgetfulness, spacing out or finding it difficult to sit still.

However you experience stress, you’re beginning to notice the impact in every facet of your life.

Sound like you?

“I’m tired of flying off the handle over small things.”

“The voice in my head is critical and unforgiving.”

“I feel like I’m taking care of everyone else and no one is taking care of me.”

“The coping strategies I use to stay calm are not working.”.

Here’s what we’ll do together

Therapy can help you gain control of your emotions.

So many of us feel trapped in stress, struggle with self-doubt, and yearn for lasting change. It may feel impossible now but you can reduce your stress, take control of your thoughts and emotions, and live a calm life. And I can help you get there.

Release- Imagine the feeling of letting it all go and releasing the tension you have been keeping in your body.

Regulate- Learn how to bring the body and the mind back to calm and safety.

Reconnect- reconnect with yourself and build a deeper connection to your body and mind and to others.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

A calm life with more joy, more presence, more self-compassion is available for you on the other side of this journey.

there is hope

Imagine a life where…

  • Your relationships feel connected, safe, and secure.

  • You feel in control of your thoughts and reactions.

  • You’re connected to what’s happening in your body.

  • You feel calm and full of peace.

Change is possible.

Change is possible.



  • After you schedule an appointment, you will receive a secure link to use at our scheduled time. Most people prefer the convenience of online appointments and find them be just as effective as in person meetings

  • Therapy with me is tailored to address your individual needs and so the time it takes will vary. We will work together to set goals for therapy and will check in regularly to be sure we are on track.

  • You can schedule a free consultation by clicking the link to get started. in this meeting you can ask questions and we can decide if we are a fit for each other. You may schedule an ongoing appointment on a day and time that is convenient for you.