become your best self.

Trauma Therapy for women in New Mexico

You’re tired of being trapped in the past.

you feel overwhelmed by the emotions held in your body.

Do you find yourself feeling cutoff and not present? Or maybe there are times where you feel flooded with emotions like fear, anger, and despair. Perhaps you suffer from anxiety and depression.

Are you struggling in your relationships? Maybe you are struggling with focusing at work. Is your physical health suffering? Are you being impacted by illness and chronic pain?

You may feel like attending to the demands of daily living are just too much. Maybe you resort to disconnection or disassociation to get through the day. You have nightmare and moments where you truly feel like you are reliving a terrible thing from your past.

Sound like you?

“I feel flooded with powerful emotions like fear and sadness.”

“The voice in my head is critical and unforgiving.”

“I avoid situations that remind me of a traumatic event.”

“I feel haunted by my past and want to move forward.”

Here’s what we’ll do together

Therapy can help you find your way to wholeness.

It takes tremendous courage to confront any kind of trauma. Like searching through the dark for an unknown source of pain, the process of healing can feel daunting. Therapy will help you illuminate that darkness and enter a new world of personal freedom.

Everyone has experienced a trauma of some kind in their lifetime. Trauma can happen from anything that is frightening and overwhelming. Maybe you have experienced a terrifying event like a car accident, a scary and unexpected loss, natural disaster, or an act of violence.

Trauma can happen in a toxic work environment with bullying, gaslighting, and harassment. It can happen in a religious institution with toxic guilt and shame, misguided or abusive leadership with unhealthy beliefs, rules, and gender biases.

Many people have experienced childhood traumas that range from having faced extreme abuse and neglect or abandonment, to having feelings of not belonging, being unwanted, or being chronically misunderstood. You may have been brought up in an environment where you were constantly bullied or devalued. Perhaps your parents had unresolved trauma of their own, which impaired their ability to attend to your emotional needs.

Unresolved trauma can have significant consequences on mental and emotional health. Simply attending to the demands of daily living can feel insurmountable at times. Going to the store to buy groceries, handling stress at work, raising children, or relating to your spouse can feel overwhelming when you are flooded with anxiety or shut down in shame.

Healing trauma requires a balance of attending to the past while living in the present. Having strategies to remain mindful and feel grounded is essential. These tools learned in therapy will allow you to turn toward the pain without creating additional distress.

A therapist offers a container of sorts for the feelings and memories that you might not be able to handle alone. Together we will build trust, gain perspective, and find healing tools that work best for you. Ultimately we will tap into the healing power that already exists inside of you.

There are several approaches to trauma that are supported by research in neuroscience. Approaches that I use to treat trauma are supported by a wealth of research in their effectiveness. Some of those include: Memory reconsolidation, Polyvagal theory, Somatic EMDR, CBT, and Internal Family Systems.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

You are not broken and in need of fixing. Rather, you are deeply hurt, in need of care. You are on the right track.

there is hope

Imagine a life where…

  • Your relationships feel connected, safe, and secure.

  • You feel in control of your thoughts and reactions.

  • You’re connected to what’s happening in your body.

  • You feel calm and full of peace.

Change is possible.

Change is possible.



  • After you schedule an appointment, you will receive a secure link to use at our scheduled time. Most people prefer the convenience of online appointments and find them be just as effective as in person meetings

  • Therapy with me is tailored to address your individual needs and so the time it takes will vary. We will work together to set goals for therapy and will check in regularly to be sure we are on track.

  • You can schedule a free consultation by clicking the link to get started. in this meeting you can ask questions and we can decide if we are a fit for each other. You may schedule an ongoing appointment on a day and time that is convenient for you.